Alpha released!

Hello! Big patch out!

First of all I updated the engine to Unity 2022 to implement a bunch of other engine updates to implement updates to the game performances. Long story short game runs about 3 times smoother now. Yey!

I've started experimenting with implementing some post-processing effects. Based on tests I have not noticed much if at all performance loss but being a small indie leaves me with a fairly small sample-size so, keep an eye out and let me know perhaps.

As far as content go I've implemented a new unique weapon, it shoots fire and burns things as you'd expect fire to do. It's currently only obtainable from the magic box on a lucky dice roll but so is the nature of cool secret weapons! Otherwise mostly everything is the same with small tweaks here and there, and a LOT of multiplayer fixes.

There is still many small things in need of ironing out but the core gameplay is about as polished as I was hoping. There is obviously still much more to come, I'm not entirely sure what my focus will be but between implementing more content to the map, character build customization and working on actual graphic assets that aren't sad looking programmer art, lets just say there's still much work to be done.

Changelog time!

- Updated to Unity 2022 and updated the URP for better light performance.
- Some internal jargon to improve animation performances trust me.
- Added Flamethrowers because there's no Geneva Conventions that apply to zombies.
- Reworked fire zombies to use the new zombie model and can now attack to trigger their explosion earlier.
- Rebalanced speed scaling of zombies. Speed now caps around round 20. Health scaling is unaffected.
- Money from kills is now evenly split between every player that damaged the zombie at least once. Share those riches.
- Grenades no longer damage other players. Technically unintended, greandes should only damage zombies and the thrower.
- You can now shoot through the power button. Technically also unintended. It was getting really annoying.
- Damage taken by the player is now only checked client-side. This means no latency. Also potentially fixes a double-damage bug.
- Remade the map's lighting to improve performance significantly.
- The player's flashlight now turns off in certain lit areas. No more burning retinas on the second floor.
- Recoil animation now looks like it hits slightly harder and fixed the gun's position during the start of the animation.
- The text UI that pops up when you earn money now moves up a lot faster I figured this was important.
- The damage numbers now spawn with a slightly random offset to reduce stacked numbers.
- Fire zombies now properly sync and can be seen by all clients.
- Bleeding (or dead) players can no longer revive other players. No cheating death through hugging.
- Melee swings no longer have a high chance of not registering on clients. I hope.
- Ghost desynced power ups SHOULD no longer be dropping in multiplayer. Lemme know.
- Fixed radio collision box affecting players on second floor.
- Fixed bug where leaving clients were forced to restart the game to host or join another session.
- Lobby names are synced up now. This is a real game now.
- You can now hear the other players gun shots.
- Host and clients should now be seeing the same amount of blood particles.
- The player's legs now render on the correct floor and fixed being able to see the legs of players on higher floors.
- Grenades now render on the correct floor.
- The empty clip sound is no longer spammed every frame.


AdM alpha1.0.1.0.rar 53 MB
Feb 05, 2022

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